Staff Mission ICMH to Cameroon 28 May - 02 June 2017

Published: Friday, 23 June 2017

Dear members of ICMH and colleagues military historians,

Our 43rd International Congress in Douala is approaching and the time is ripe to make preparations for our participation. On the Congress website you will find all the necessary information.

I would like to inform you that by invitation of the Cameroon Commission of Military History and with the full approval of the ICMH ExBoard, in the last weeks Vice President Dr Hans Pawlisch and Secretary General Lt. Col. Dr Kris Quanten visited the country to have a direct impression of the preparations. Attached you will find their VERY POSITIVE report.

I wish to express my warmest desire to see a large participation to this Congress, which our Cameroonian colleagues are preparing with great care and enthusiasm.

Kindest regards,

Prof. Dr. Massimo de Leonardis
President of the International Commission of Military History


Look at the pictures of the mission.