Latest News
XXIII ICHS Congress in Poznań
The President of ICMH has received the following information. A meeting of the ExBoard of ICMH had already been scheduled in Early February and afterwards a meeting of the Full Board will follow.
Read more: XXIII ICHS Congress in Poznań
ICMH Forthcoming Military History Conference Listing
Please find attached the quarterly update, dated 1 January 2021, of the ICMH Forthcoming Military History Conference listing. The purpose of this listing is to provide you with information on future international conferences for your consideration of attendance, to help share military history techniques, methodologies, and best practices.
Please note the current coronavirus pandemic has caused the cancellation of numerous events and activities, including military history conferences. Those conferences known to have been canceled or rearranged have been highlighted in “blue” on the attached list. Please check with the respective conference organizers to ensure any conference you may be interested in attending is still going to be held.
Read more: ICMH Forthcoming Military History Conference Listing