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The presentation of the XXIII ICHS Congress
The ICMH will participate to the Congress of the International Committee of Historical Sciences, to which is affiliated, in Poznan in August 2020. Close contacts with the International Commission of History of International Relations produced the proposal, accepted by ICHS, of joint panels of six scholars for each Commission on the general subject Disarmament and Rearmament after the World Wars in the XX century.
Read more: The presentation of the XXIII ICHS Congress
New Researchers’ Conference, 16 & 17 November 2018
The 9th New Researchers' conference organised by the British Commission for Military History will be held at the University of Southampton on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 November 2018. Its purpose is to bring together current research by postgraduate and early career scholars in the field of military history and related disciplines.
Read more: New Researchers’ Conference, 16 & 17 November 2018