André Corvisier Prize 2019 for PhD Theses

The International Commission of Military History awards the André Corvisier Prize for PhD theses on Military History, named after the distinguished French scholar who was for ten years President of ICMH and then President of Honour. For the 2019 edition, the prize will be awarded for a PhD thesis discussed and approved in 2018 in a recognized University. 

Read more: André Corvisier Prize 2019 for PhD Theses


The winner of the 2018 Corvisier Prize (updated)

At unanimity of votes, the Jury of the Corvisier Prize choose Mr. Maxime Petitjean’s dissertation as the laureate of the 2018 edition of the Corvisier Prize. The members of the jury de soutenance de thèse unanimously agreed about the importance of the work of Mr. Petitjean, which, when published, will be a fundamental volume on the subject.

Read more: The winner of the 2018 Corvisier Prize (updated)