The 2019 ICMH Congress will be held in Bulgaria

Published: Wednesday, 23 May 2018

The XLV Congress of the International Commission of Military History will be in Sofia, Bulgaria. The topic of the Congress will be Unsettled problems after the 1919 Peace Conference: military conflicts and diplomatic negotiations. The Congress will take place from August, 18 to August, 23. Further details will be published on the official website of the Congress.

Read more: The 2019 ICMH Congress will be held in Bulgaria


ICMH Congress 2018, Call for Papers, PhD Panel

Published: Wednesday, 07 March 2018

Like in previous years, the Educational Committee of the International Commission of Military History invites PhD. students to take part in a workshop for young scholars who are still working on or have just finished their PhD thesis on a topic related to "The Creation of New States and Collapse of Old Empires in the XXth Century“. The purpose of the workshop is to give young scholars the opportunity of discussing their projects with young as well as experienced colleagues from over 40 Countries.

Read more: ICMH Congress 2018, Call for Papers, PhD Panel