Belgian Military Archives - Section Classified Archives

Category: Database of National Military History Archives Published: Friday, 03 September 2021

1. Archive name (English)

Section Classified Archives


2. Archive name (native)

Sectie Classified Archives
Section Classified Archives


3. Address

Kwartier Koningin Elisabeth
Eversestraat 1
1140 EVERE




4. Organization affiliation

The section Classified Archives is part of the Belgian Military Intelligence and Security Service

5. Website



6. E-Mail/Contact

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


7. Phone

+32 2 443 15 52


8. Fax



9. General description of contents

The Section Classified Archives keeps the historical and classified archives and records of the Belgian Defence before transferring them to the National Archives.


10. Categories, Linear measurement, Period covered

By the end of 2019, the section Classified Archives kept the archives dating from 1939 until now. Most important series and records are:

-Military archives World War II (war journals, resistance records, ….)

- Korea archives

- Congo archives

- Archives from the Military Intelligence and Security Service

- Human operations

- Army, Navy and Airforce archives



11. Access conditions (opening hours)

Monday to Wednesday: 7:30 to 14:30



12. Conditions of use (legal conditions)

See links


13. Publications/Guides of the archive

We are happy to respond to your mails in order to help to prepare your visit to the archives


14. Finding aids

Inventories and listings are available in our reading room


15. accessible to the public (printed/electronic)
