Staff Mission ICMH to Cameroon 28 May - 02 June 2017
Dear members of ICMH and colleagues military historians,
Our 43rd International Congress in Douala is approaching and the time is ripe to make preparations for our participation. On the Congress website you will find all the necessary information.
Leggi tutto: Staff Mission ICMH to Cameroon 28 May - 02 June 2017
The André Corvisier Prize for PhD Theses
The International Commission of Military History awards the “André Corvisier Prize for PhD theses on Military History”, named after the distinguished French scholar who was for ten years President of ICMH and then President of Honour.For the 2017 edition, the prize will be awarded for a PhD thesis discussed and approved in 2015 and 2016 in a recognized University. The amount of the Prize is fixed at €3.000, plus a maximum of €1.500 to cover the recipient’s expenses for participation at the award ceremony during the XLIII ICMH Congress in Douala.
Leggi tutto: The André Corvisier Prize for PhD Theses
The XLIII ICMH Congress in Cameroon
The XLIII ICMH Congress will be hosted by the Cameroon Commission in Douala from Saturday 2nd until Friday 8th September 2017. The central theme of the Congress is World Wars and colonies in history. The Cameroon Commission already developed a website where you can find all the relevant information concerning the academic program, the venue, the hotels and the post-congress tour. All registration has to be done by this website which you can consult by clicking on the following link:
Leggi tutto: The XLIII ICMH Congress in Cameroon
The IJMH Early-Career Paper Prize
The International Journal of Military History and Historiography invites submissions for its IJMH Early-Career Paper Prize. The IJMH has been continuously published (from 1978 to 2015 as the International Bibliography of Military History – IBMH), on behalf of the International Commission of Military History (ICMH), which can trace back its origins to 1938. Traditionally its main focus was on book reviews and review articles.
Leggi tutto: The IJMH Early-Career Paper Prize