Prof. Minchev as Honorary Member of the Board

Veröffentlicht: Montag, 18. September 2017

Prof. Col. Dimitar Minchev has been for more than 20 years President of the Bulgarian Commission of Military History, which under his leadership has obtained an excellent standing within its country’s institutions at the highest level. Moreover Prof. Minchev had the leading role in organizing three Congresses of the International Commission of Military History: in Sofia in 2012, in Varna in 2014 and in Plovdiv in 2016.

In the last two instances the Congresses had to be organized at a short or very short notice, but proved in any case to be a success.

For his commitment and endeavours, Prof. Minchev deserves the deep gratitude of the International Commission of Military History and is therefore nominated Honorary Member of its Board.