Spanish Military Archives

Category: Database of National Military History Archives Published: Friday, 03 September 2021

1. Archive name (English)

The Defence Archives

2. Archive name (native)

Sistema Archivístico de Defensa

3. Address


4. Organization affiliation

The Military Archives are organized in a System named “Sistema Archivístico de Defensa”. This System is subordinated to the Minister of Defence.


5. Website

6. E-Mail/Contact

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

7. Phone

+34 917 808 608  


8. Fax

+34 917 808 935 


9. General description of contents

The Military Archives are responsible for the documents of military provenance from the Kingdom of Spain and its predecessors of the Military administration. These include documents from the Ministry of Defence and the Military administration: Ejército de Tierra, Armada y Ejército del Aire. 


10. Categories, Linear measurement, Period covered

By the end of 2018, the 26 Military Archives belonging to the System kept holdings of approximately the following amount:

  • 149.867 lineal metres of written     records

  • 900.000 photographs

  • 1/2 million of maps, plans and technical drawings.

These holdings are from the period of 1844 up to now.

11. Access conditions (opening hours)

Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 14:00


12. Conditions of use (legal conditions)

Ley 16/1985, de 25 de junio, del Patrimonio Histórico Español (Historic Spanish Heritage).

Real Decreto 2598/1998, de 4 de diciembre, Reglamento de

Archivos Militares (Military Archives Regulation).

13. Publications/Guides of the archive

Everything you should know when preparing a visit to centers of the Sistema Archivístico de Defensa.

Guía de Archivos militares españoles. 2nd ed., 2012.

14. Finding aids

Some digital documents from military archives are published in an specific web

15. Accessible to the public (printed/electronic)

Real Decreto 1708/2011 (Regulating Spanish Archives Access)

Ley 19/2013: transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno (Transparency, public information access and good government)
