The IJMH Early-Career Paper Prize 2019

The International Journal of Military History and Historiography invites submissions for its IJMH Early-Career Paper Prize. The International Journal of Military History and Historiography (IJMH) has been continuously published (from 1978 to 2015 as the International Bibliography of Military History – IBMH), on behalf of the International Commission of Military History (ICMH), which can trace back its origins to 1938. The journal offers its readers and authors a platform that includes original research articles on any military historical topic from antiquity to the contemporary period that can appeal to an international readership.

Read more: The IJMH Early-Career Paper Prize 2019


New issue of the ICMH Newsletter, December 2018

With this Newsletter we want to keep you informed about the activities of the ICMH community. Last September, we had our 44th International Congress on Military History in Jerusalem, Israel, which was a very interesting experience. In this issue you can read the reports about the academic presentations, the cultural program and the pre-Congress tour. Besides that, we also want to keep you informed about our current and future activities. 

Read more: New issue of the ICMH Newsletter, December 2018